About Us 

We work hard to make your life easier. 

At Landy, the team is all about property. We are passionate about taking an unloved building and creating a beautiful home, putting life back into it and bringing it to its full potential.  We create, we design and we have a practical nature.  Once a property is acquired and completed to a client's chosen design and purpose, we then put on our practical heads. 

We work predominantly for Landlords in providing services that brings corporate & professional tenants to find a home in their new location or country; to love, feel homely and to walk into their own private sanctuary after a tough day at the office. 

Our relocation service for HR departments continues with our passion for property. Matching the right property for the employee and helping to settle them and their family, so they can fall in love with their new home.

When a client relocates to a new country, we think of the small details that will make them feel at home.  We take the person and their individual requirements to find a home that is right for them. 

Making a house a home is what we do. We are passionate about it. A home is a sanctuary. Your sanctuary. 

Wherever you are.

We will help you find the right one. 

© 2020 Landy Design
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